I posted a film I made for school a couple years ago onto my other blog thingy - (Everything is Not a Big Deal/Vimeo) - after finally caving on my snobbery and archaic notion of what constitutes as ‘Cinema,’ or the movie watching experience.
I will always prefer things projected onto bigger screens in darkened rooms filled with strangers. I like the idea of a film (when it’s done right) being like some kind of collective dream you share quietly and anonymously with those in your neighbourhood/community. When it ends, you fuck off to whatever is coming next, carrying these unreal moments, pictures and sounds, back to your colonies for future consideration and distribution - just as you do after seeing something on MegaVideo - but with the visual proof (a la yer fellow moviegoers' smug and satisfied faces) that the wonderful thoughts you're having are being had somewhere else in the culture, simultaneously. (Blah, blah, blah blah blah... )
This is by no means a proper critique or stance on my part, and the film I'm showing y'all is by no means what I would consider as something that can stand up to the qualities that equal amazing. But, I've gone on long enough...
[The laughter continues in a couple of days... stay tuned!!]
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